For those who want to make money on the stock exchange, it will not take much time and start-up capital. Many brokers conduct all kinds of bonus promotions and contests on demo accounts, in which anyone can participate.
This is how brokers stimulate the emergence of new talented traders on the market for mutually beneficial relationships.
"Summer Marathon"
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Да не знаю,и так в четверг 2 конкурса так хватит испытать удачу :D а больше и не знаю легких и путевых...
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Так что вся надежда на мастерфорекс
On September 10, 2024, the contract for BRENT crude oil reached a price of $68.44 per barrel — there have not been such low prices since December 2021!
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Read more...Dear Traders! We invite you to participate in the Bing program for elite traders. Participate without investing anything and trading on a demo account.
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Read more...Traders with different trading experience actively use day trading because it is one of the most profitable trading systems for short-term transactions. However, not all market participants take into account its features. How can I predict the price dynamics on different timeframes within a day in order to earn and not lose? What factors should be considered for profitable trading? Learn the secrets of effective day trading at the free webinar "Trading Template: Opening Europe". The webinar was organized by NPBFX together with the Center for Financial Education FX-Instructor.