Indicators are not know-how in trading. They have long earned the recognition of participants in the financial industry. Indicator analysis is used by most traders in both the currency and stock markets in their work. The most popular way to predict prices is the analysis of moving averages (Moving Average, MA). It suggests a high-quality signal to buy/sell trading assets. How to apply indicator analysis correctly for profitable trading? What are the types of indicators and how do they differ? Find out the answers to these questions and learn how to effectively use "movings" and "molts" in trading thanks to the webinar "Indicator analysis in the FOREX and CFD markets". The online meeting will be organized by NPBFX broker together with the FX-Instructor Distance Education Center this Thursday, November 10.
Webinar program:
• theoretical justifications for the use of indicators in technical analysis;
• types of indicators, their mathematical formulas and derived systems;
• building a trading system based on indicator signals: advantages and disadvantages;
• trading system based on MA, MACD, Bollinger Bands, Envelopes and Alligator;
• practical recommendations and answers to questions.
When will the webinar take place?
Date: November 10, 2022 (Thursday)
Time: 20:00 Moscow time
Cost of participation: free
Speakers of the project:
Viktor Yemchenko is the head of the FXinstructor training Center, an active member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS). Author and presenter of special courses: "Features of short-term transactions on the news", "Trading template: opening Europe", "Methodology for building your own trading strategy".
Alexander Minaev — the results of his scientific work were modified methods of trading by Demark and Wolf, the probability of a profitable transaction in which is increased to 80%. The MIFI national trading team under his leadership has repeatedly won prizes in the annual All-Russian Student competition held jointly with the Moscow Stock Exchange.
Vladimir Leiner is a leading financial consultant at the FXinstructor Training Center, a postgraduate student at the Department of Stock Exchange and Securities of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Author and presenter of the course "Trading in financial markets from A to Z".
To register for the webinar, fill out the participant form on the company's website NPBFX.
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Read more...Today, trading on the FX market requires only a computer /smartphone, an initial deposit and a stable Internet connection. But in order to make a profit, market participants must know the basic rules of trading. Which market to choose and how to build an investment portfolio correctly? What is necessary for a successful start? The webinar "Introduction to trading in financial markets" will help you find out the answers to these and other questions. The webinar was organized by NPBFX together with the Center for Financial Education FX-Instructor.