Earn even more money in Forex with no extra investments or effort! Take advantage of Time Deposit Accounts in the Index TOP 20 program and invest with FOREX MMCIS group on still more favourable terms!
A Time Deposit Account in Index TOP 20 is an account with a fixed maturity period and a lower commission rate. Depending on the period for which you invest into the program, the commission rate (a standard of 15%) will be lower for you and total:
11% - for Time Deposit Accounts with a maturity period of 12 months;
12% - for Time Deposit Accounts with a maturity period of 6 months;
13% - for Time Deposit Accounts with a maturity period of 3 months.
This means that you will cut the commission for the traders’ work and your monthly Index TOP 20 income will grow! And with reinvesting your profits will be even higher! The longer is your reinvestment period, the lower is the commission rate!
Invest to Time Deposit Accounts in Index TOP 20 and get extra advantages in investing with FOREX MMCIS group!
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Read more...Daily, the quotes of the instruments are affected by a constant stream of news. Economic events change the dynamics of prices, and it is important for a trader not to miss the moment, but to open a deal on time and make a profit. But the trading strategy on the news has its own peculiarities and rules of trading. What news do I need to follow to make money on Forex? How to use economic statistics correctly in trading? You can find out the answers and learn how to make money on one of the most popular financial market strategies at the free webinar from NPBFX and the FXInstructor distance learning center "Features of short-term news transactions". Start using the news effectively to open profitable deals this Thursday, October 3rd.